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Written by Liz Crow
A handbook on setting up a disability arts forum
National Disability Arts Forum, 1994.
This guide has been produced by the National Disability Arts Forum (NDAF) to complement and support the increasing level of disability arts activity taking place throughout the UK, in the belief that it will contribute to disabled people having more control over their lives, by offering an informed and comprehensive overview of the British arts infrastructure.
Understanding what this infrastructure is and how it functions is essential for any organisation concerned with disability issues wishing to progress the aims of Disability Arts.
While at the first glance this guide might look full of horrible bureaucratic stuff, that will lead you to endless balmy sun filled days filling in questionnaires, sitting in meetings or writing reports, don’t be put off. It is divided into 22 self explanatory sections, all of which will probably come in useful at some point. However, it is very unlikely that you will need to refer to every section to clarify a point or deal with an issue, so take your time with it. It is a good idea to become familiar with the content and structure of the guide, but be selective when it is detailed information you are looking for and, on a serious note, when it comes to legal issues never underestimate the advice given.
It might not be the advice you were looking or hoping for, but the moment you enter into an agreement or a contract, even verbally, your responsibilities start to mount up, you should be able to identify, at least, the gist of those responsibilities (and where to find out more) rapidly in these pages. If not the National Disability Arts Forum is only a phone call away. If we can’t help then we can usually refer you to someone who can.
As well as this guide, the National Disability Arts Forum may be able to help you in a number of ways. Our information service can provide you with a wide range of contacts, covering virtually every sphere of your activities and our developments office is available to help, support and advise all disability arts organisations on a strategic basis.
If your ambitions are local or global, if you’re just beginning, or well established, and are concerned with the business end of producing disability arts we hope you will find this guide a useful tool in the development of your work.
To read the full text, please download the PDF below.
Download PDFTo cite this page: Crow, Liz (1994) Disability Arts: The Business, Roaring Girl Productions [online] [Available at:] [Accessed 13/03/2025]